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What is Capsular Contracture?

Woman raising her left armBreast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic procedure in America, with more than 286,000 procedures performed in 2012 according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Although this is a safe procedure, often providing excellent results, sometimes the body does not adapt well to the implants, and a complication called capsular contracture may occur over time.

When an implant is placed in a breast, the body treats it as a foreign object and forms a protective lining around the implant as an immune response to keep it isolated from the body. This protective lining is made of collagen fibers and is referred to as a tissue "capsule." In a small percentage of patients, this capsule shrinks and tightens around the implant for unknown reasons. The tighter the capsule gets, the more it squeezes the implant and distorts the feel and appearance of the breast.

There are four different grades of capsular contracture, known as Baker grades, which measure the degree of complication. They are as follows:

Grade 1

The breast feels soft and maintains a natural-looking shape.

Grade 2

The breast feels slightly firm but appears normal.

Grade 3

The breast feels firm and has an abnormal shape.

Grade 4

The breast feels hard, is painful, and has an abnormal appearance.

Patients who experience capsular contracture generally require breast revision surgery, especially those with a Baker grade of 3 or 4. This procedure generally consists of removing the existing implants and replacing them if desired or necessary, and excising some or all of the scar tissue capsule. Although the risk of complications is low, it is best to follow your surgeon’s postoperative instructions in order to properly recover and reduce any potential risks, including the recurrence of capsular contracture.

If you have any questions or concerns about your current breast implants, Finesse Plastic Surgery can help. Please call ((714) 978-2445 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your consultation and learn more about breast revision surgery today.